Serving Our Clients

For Nearly 30 Years

Since 1996, AgriData Ltd have worked closely and collaboratively with our clients to ensure we delivered on our promises and exceeded expectation.

We have worked with government bodies, semi-state bodies, private companies and individuals in that time.

While we mainly work in the Agri Food sector in Ireland, we also work with clients in other sectors: 

  • Waste Management and Enforcement
  • Re-Cycling and Enforcement
  • Pollution Control and Enforcement

Bord Bia Inspection Services

We provide a range of Inspection Services to Bord Bia across all sectors of the Irish Food Producer market.

This includes some 20,000 On-Farm Inspections in the Beef, Lamb and Dairy sector for the Bord Bia Sustainable Beef & Lamb Assurance Scheme and Sustainable Dairy Assurance Scheme per annum.

We also carry out on-site inspections for all other Bord Bia Sustainable Assurance Schemes across the Republic of Ireland:

  • SHAS - Sustainable Horticulture Assurance Scheme
  • SEAS - Sustainable Egg Assurance Scheme
  • SPAS - Sustainable Pig Assurance Scheme
  • SPPAS - Sustainable Poultry Producer Assurance Scheme
  • FQAS - Feed Quality Assurance Scheme
  • FPS - Food Processor Scheme

Administration Services

We provide back office administration services to Bord Bia, providing telephone support services, printing services and mailroom services.

We print and post ca 250,000 pieces of mail per annum and handle many thousands of calls per annum.


(End of Life Tyres)

AgriData Ltd conducted audits on all tyre retailers in the republic to ensure compliance with the Tyres and Waste Tyres regulations on behalf of Repak ELT, now CIRCOL ELT.

These audits were conducted on over 2000 tyre related businesses from 2018 through early 2020.

  • Tyre Retailers
  • Waste Tyre Collectors
  • Tyres from End of Life Vehicles